Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition and Media

Teworte-Vey Simon Schumacher & Partner is one of Germany’s leading law firms in the field of industrial property rights and competition law. As highly specialized consultants with a proven track-record of expertise, we advise local German as well as international companies from different economic sectors in all areas of intellectual property law as well as competition and media law. Our partners have many years of experience in legal practice in renowned business law firms and IP boutiques. Given our professional experience as in-house lawyers, we are familiar with relevant problems from the companies’ perspective. We are hence very well aware of the business and legal challenges that the competitive environment of individual industries poses to corporate decision-making. Therefore, we consider ourselves first and foremost as partners of our clients. We provide legal know-how and experience to assist you in developing creative, pragmatic and tailor-made solutions that suit you and your specific situation.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” These wise words from legendary basketball player Michael Jordan are also our approach: we are convinced that our team is so much more than just the sum of the competence, experience, and personality of each member of our team.

We are specialist lawyers with proven expertise in trademark, design, competition, copyright, press and media law. Above all, however, we are prudent advisors who not only fight for the interests of our clients with passion and many years of experience in court proceedings, but also find economically sensible solutions and negotiate agreements with a sound understanding of business considerations and diplomatic skills.